Minister biography

Biography of the Minister of Health

  • Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mutawakel is considered one of the distinguished medical competencies in Yemen, as he obtained a Bachelor's degree in General Medicine and Surgery from Sana'a University in 2000, and a PhD in Internal Medicine from the Syrian Arab Board.

    Dr. Taha participated in many medical conferences in the field of internal diseases, where he was credited with exchanging experiences and ideas with his counterparts in this field.

    The periodic trainings that Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mutawakil underwent in heart diseases and their diagnostic methods at the Islamic Hospital in Jordan in 2013 and the Great Prophet Hospital in Lebanon in 2014 are among the most prominent scientific experiences that he went through, which made him one of the skilled doctors in this field.

    Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mutawakel also worked in many hospitals, where he held the positions of General, Technical and Medical Director, in addition to his work as a physician at Kuwait University Hospital. And as a member of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee and advisor to the Foundation for the Wounded.

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  • In addition to his distinguished medical skills, Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mutawakkil participates in service and social aspects, as he heads a number of associations, and participates in cultural, political and revolutionary activities. Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mutawakel is a role model for many in the field of medicine and public service, and he deserves everyone's appreciation.

    His Excellency the Minister of Health and Population

    Mr. Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mutawakel

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