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Conclusion of joint external assessment workshop of national capabilities in field of international health regulations

[22/ 8/ 2023]

The workshop on the joint external assessment of national capacities in the field of international health regulations, organized on Tuesday by the Ministry of Public Health and Population, was concluded in Sana'a.


The workshop, in three days, with the participation of 90 participants representing various programs in the Ministry of Health and relevant authorities, and a team of experts in the WHO regional office and from the countries of the region, presented an introduction to the International Health Regulations, the joint external evaluation, an overview of the health system in Yemen, the stage of national self-assessment, surveillance, infection prevention and control.


It also reviewed the national laboratories system, biosafety and biosecurity, mechanisms for providing health services, communication about risks, community participation, the functions of the national coordinator for international health regulations, advocacy, health emergency management, and others.


The workshop aimed to develop a national action plan for health security covering 19 technical areas of the International Health Regulations and to involve all relevant stakeholders and guide and support citizens in developing and estimating the cost of the national action plan for health security based on the results of the joint evaluation and other components of monitoring and evaluation of the International Health Regulations and completing the preparation of the action plan National Health Security.


Source: SABA

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