Detials of Sector

which public sectors
Provided by the Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health and Population seeks to provide and facilitate medical services for our Yemeni people

Primary health care sector:

The role, objectives, tasks and competencies of the Sector shall be determined in:

·Develop/update the primary health care strategy and interventions, and develop annual and medium-term operational plans, according to measurable performance indicators, and within the framework of guidelines defined by the Ministry's objectives;

·Planning, organizing, developing, supervising and evaluating all work related to the provision of the primary health care services package in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Preparing operational manuals, standards, mechanisms, technical protocols, regulations and quality controls to enhance the package of primary health care services, in line with the development in the package of primary health care services and following up on their implementation;

·Effective sectoral coordination and promotion of multisectoral interventions to achieve primary health care objectives;

·Work to address the most urgent humanitarian health needs related to health, nutrition and preparedness for emergencies, crises and disasters, through a flexible approach to interventions, allowing for a rapid and effective response, including population movements, displaced issues, and outbreaks of epidemics.

The General Directorate of Child Health shall have the following competencies:

·Proposing policies, developing plans, programs and projects concerned with promoting child health and setting appropriate mechanisms for their implementation,

·Develop and prepare plans aimed at increasing the coverage of health services related to child health, including immunization and other services entrusted to programs and projects related to children's health and health promotion through health facilities or community-based health services;

·Participate in the preparation of national strategies and five-year and annual health plans for the Ministry of Health;

·Contribute to the development of the integrated health system for the package of services provided according to a harmonious and harmonious mechanism between the levels of health care so as to provide basic and comprehensive services to the largest possible number of segments of society within the framework of the integrated primary health care concept;

·Preparing operational manuals, standards, mechanisms, technical protocols, regulations and quality controls to enhance the package of child health services in line with the development in the package of health services and follow up on their implementation;

·Strengthen multisectoral coordination, including the private sector and health development partners, to ensure an integrated and comprehensive service package that raises child health coverage and ensures sustainability, while overseeing the delivery of such services;

·Participate in taking all necessary measures and procedures to confront outbreaks of any diseases or the emergence of health problems in coordination and cooperation with the concerned departments and programs;

·Contribute to the implementation of the health directorate system within an integrated framework, coordinate between all primary health care departments and programs, and provide advice, technical expertise and support to the efforts of the local authority with a view to increasing the coverage of health services, including aspects of universal health coverage;

·Supporting, monitoring and evaluating the delivery of the national preventive, curative and rehabilitative services related to child health, which include primary, secondary and tertiary health care services and community-based health services;

·Contribute to improving the quality of the primary health care services package and implementing strategies that will reduce and reduce preventable child mortality and morbidity;

·Develop and measure performance indicators and determine the degree of progress made on a regular basis;

·Proposing health cooperation projects related to child health, developing and updating existing interventions with countries and health development partners in accordance with the priorities and plans of the Ministry, and supervising their implementation;

·Identify the needs of medicines, vaccines, supplies, equipment and equipment and work to ensure their availability and distribution in coordination with the concerned departments in the Ministry and its branches;

·Participate in studies, research and field surveys in the field of child health and its departments, programs and units in coordination with the relevant authorities in the Ministry.

The General Directorate of Disease Control and Surveillance shall have the following competencies:

·Proposing and developing health strategies and policies related to the control of diseases based on the primary health care approach with its various components and elements, and presenting them to the leadership of the Ministry for approval;

·Building and raising the capacities of disease control and surveillance personnel at the central, central and peripheral levels and proposing the necessary training programs;

·Contribute to emergency planning, disaster preparedness and response, strengthen the role of relevant sectors and local authority bodies and health development partners, provide technical assistance to local partners, and launch community-based initiatives that support epidemiological interventions with regard to awareness, prevention and control of diseases and epidemics;

·Coordinate with brotherly and friendly countries and health development partners in the implementation of international and regional initiatives in disease control, reduction and eradication, benefit from the experiences of those countries, collect and exchange data, and plan and evaluate interventions, in coordination with the relevant departments;

·Develop and prepare health plans and programs aimed at increasing the coverage of communicable and endemic diseases control services and reducing them at the various levels of the health system with a view to achieving eradication;

·Supervise programs to combat communicable and noncommunicable diseases, support their technical, informatic, logistical and financial interventions, and monitor and evaluate the performance of the concerned health facilities and programs in coordination with the competent general departments in the Ministry of Health and their offices in the governorates and directorates;

·Supervise the Applied Field Epidemiology Program and support it in training and research at the three levels, Advanced and Intermediate, and the Health Empowerment Program;

·Drawing up an epidemiological map of diseases, preparing a unified national system for epidemiological surveillance of targeted diseases, raising its sensitivity and comprehensiveness at the national level, ensuring its integration with the unified national health information system, and developing regulations and legislation to ensure its operationalization;

·Encourage and support health research and studies, develop and motivate research staff in the field of disease control and surveillance, and benefit from them in directing health interventions with the aim of reducing them to eradicate them;

·Develop and measure performance indicators and determine the degree of progress made on a regular basis.

The General Directorate of Nutrition shall have the following competencies:

·Propose strategies and policies related to nutrition based on the primary health care approach with its various components and components, and present them to the leadership of the Ministry for approval;

·Drawing up the epidemiological map of malnutrition, according to different risk levels, developing plans, programmes and projects concerned with malnutrition and health promotion and setting appropriate mechanisms for their implementation;

·Updating the national risk list for malnutrition at the level of the directorates of the Republic, through the development of risk assessment criteria;

·Strengthen the sectoral work of the Ministry of Health with the aim of reducing the problems of malnutrition, coordinate with the relevant authorities to raise the level of nutrition, and mobilize resources for this;

·Develop a food safety plan, and take responsibility for its implementation with relevant partners;

·Provide advice and technical support to all parties involved in food control and safety and evaluate their implementation;

·Participate in the development of a medium- and long-term strategic plan for the availability of food from different sources to meet the nutritional requirements of all family members;

·Building and raising the capacities of workers in the fight against malnutrition diseases at the central, central and peripheral levels and proposing the necessary training programs;

·Follow-up, reporting and nutritional surveillance on the application of the food security standard, in coordination with the relevant authorities;

·Strengthen mechanisms for reporting and responding to malnutrition across the community and health facilities;

·Coordinate malnutrition response activities and strengthen the roles of all partners;

·Ensure early detection of malnutrition and triage them according to level of incidence and risk;

·Improving institutional response mechanisms to malnutrition, through practical rehabilitation;

·Study of nutritional behaviours in coordination with the General Directorate of Disease Control and the National Center for Information and Health Education, which includes the use by families of the food they obtain, including preservation, processing and preparation, as well as the individual's ability to understand the importance of these nutrients and ensure their availability in the diet;

·Ensure adequate care by managing malnutrition cases, according to risk level, and providing critical care in each district;

·Ensure that populations and special groups (children aged 6-24 months, pregnant and lactating women, children with nutritional health problems) have access to appropriate nutritious food and are targeted on the basis of their needs, and protect, encourage and promote food support;

·Monitoring and evaluating the efficiency of food distribution;

·Support the Microcomponents Programme focusing on local availability, nutrition education and behavioural change to raise the level of nutrition, at the national level.

The General Directorate of Environmental Health shall have the following competencies:

·Proposing strategies and policies related to environmental health based on the primary health care approach with its various components and elements, and presenting them to the Ministry's leadership for approval;

·Participate in the preparation of national strategies and five-year and annual health plans for the Ministry of Health;

·Develop plans, programs and projects concerned with environmental health and develop appropriate mechanisms for their implementation, prepare policies, regulations, manuals and standards governing the various work and activities of health programs and projects affiliated to them at all levels, and present them to the leadership of the Ministry for approval and implementation in coordination with the relevant authorities;

·To supervise the provision of preventive services and field interventions related to environmental health at the level of the Republic in health facilities, community services, and facilities related to water bottling and food processing;

·Raising the capacity of workers in health facilities, including all primary, secondary and tertiary health care services, on environmental health, and implementing a continuing education program for them;

·Design, manage and promote environmental health promotion programs in coordination with preventive health programs and the National Health Education and Information Center, including raising awareness of environmental quality health, water and food safety;

·Manage community development activities, supervise volunteer programs, community health workers and community initiatives in the field of environmental health;

·Develop health policies and plans to assess health needs in environmental health in line with development trends in health promotion;

·Coordinate with international and local organizations, through the competent department of the Ministry, to activate activities to promote environmental health locally, and regional and international participation in them;

·Envisage the adoption and/or promotion of preventive policies and measures to promote environmental health, including those related to laws and legislation related to health promotion, including tobacco, infectious disease and chronic disease control;

·Provide technical support through teams and field visits, to conduct in-depth studies of plans to promote environmental health, and facilitate participation in joint needs assessment teams among partners;

·Reviewing and providing technical support in the field of water safety and monitoring water quality standards, in coordination with specialized laboratories;

·Supervise the treatment of medical waste in all health facilities and facilitate capacity-building for their personnel at the national level, including the technical, informational, logistical and financial aspects, in coordination with the competent general directorates of the Ministry of Health and their offices in the governorates and directorates;

·Documenting environmental health interventions by appropriate and various means, submitting regular reports on their activities and achievements, and submitting monthly, quarterly and annual completion reports according to the forms approved by the Ministry.


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