Task and Reference

Mission, vision and strategic objectives of the ministry

Ministry message:

The Ministry of Public Health and Population seeks to build and implement a symbiotic health system based on partnership, providing standard health and medical services, and ensuring easy delivery to all residents, in line with their needs, in accordance with a conducive health environment, while keeping pace with scientific and technical development.

Ministry vision:

An effective health system that provides comprehensive social health care to all citizens and residents of the Republic in accordance with standard quality standards.

First Strategic Objective: Develop systems and mechanisms for managing and coordinating health services, monitoring their effectiveness and quality at all levels, and stimulating supportive community participation.

The second strategic objective: strengthening primary health care services, disease control, strengthening epidemiological surveillance, providing a high level of preventive interventions by targeting children and mothers, and reducing the exacerbation of the problem of malnutrition.

Third Strategic Objective: Expanding and strengthening health services for all citizens and supporting emergency services to accommodate the nature and circumstances of the stage and its developments.

The Fourth Strategic Objective: Raise the level of performance of the health system and the efficiency of work and its workers, at all levels.

The Fifth Strategic Objective: Encouraging investment in the health sector and the pharmaceutical industry to support the availability of health services and medicines for citizens at sufficient levels and quality that achieves citizen satisfaction.

The Sixth Strategic Objective: Encouraging investment in the health sector to support the availability of health services and medicines for citizens at adequate levels and quality that achieves citizen satisfaction.

General goals and tasks:

  1. Preparing legislation, regulations, guidelines, standards, guides and protocols regulating the provision of health care services in all its forms and levels and establishing the principles for providing health services according to them in the public and private sectors and ensuring their quality and quality;
  2. Strategic planning to manage, direct and provide health services in its various fields and levels;
  3. Drawing up health policies and strategies and defining the appropriate methods and means for their implementation in order to ensure the reform and modernization of the health sector and its components and the advancement of health services at all levels;
  4. Developing policies and plans aimed at developing human resources in accordance with the needs of the health sector and bridging the gap to achieve a comprehensive national development balance and to ensure the availability of professional and medical human frameworks specialized in the various medical, health and administrative fields to meet the current and future needs of health development as well as to benefit from the cooperation of countries, organizations and others;
  5. Setting standards, manuals and specifications related to establishing, equipping and operating medical, health and pharmaceutical facilities and institutions, institutes, centers and governmental and private educational councils, disseminating them, supervising and monitoring their implementation with the aim of improving basic and specialized health and medical services, in a manner that guarantees the quality of services and the protection of beneficiaries of their services in accordance with the laws in force;
  6. Organizing the practice of medical, health and pharmaceutical professions, and working to raise the level of job performance for employees of the health sector and its affiliated bodies, in a way that complements roles, raises the confidence and vitality of workers in the health sector, and achieves the satisfaction of beneficiaries;
  7. Contribute to the development and modernization of medical and health education curricula in all fields and levels within job classification and levels of technical, medical and health skills;
  8. Enhancing the technical, administrative, financial and training capabilities of health institutions to improve performance competencies and skills in health management and services;
  9. Enhancing and expanding the provision of a package of primary health care services in an integrated manner consistent with the Yemeni culture and identity, by doing the following:
  • Paying attention to the health of mothers, newborns, children, boys, girls, special groups, and the rest of the population, and promoting health, including mental health, in health centers and units, community-based services, and comprehensive services in maternity and childhood hospitals, agencies, public and pivotal hospitals, and rural hospitals, including the provision of equipment, supplies, and medicines, as well as vaccinations for children;
  • Disease control and epidemiological surveillance at all levels of health and society;
  • Reducing malnutrition problems by strengthening preventive and curative services and community-based interventions;
  • Planning, preparing and implementing awareness programs, healthy practices and behaviors, and raising immunity through the media and various social media;
  • Responding to meet the health need in cases of epidemics, emergencies and disasters through planning, preparation and constant readiness;
  • Promoting environmental health interventions related to the health of the community and taking the necessary measures and procedures to protect the environment, in coordination with the relevant authorities, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, and enhancing scientific and practical efforts to protect the environment with the aim of improving healthy behaviors towards it;
  • Follow-up health and medical developments and achievements, as well as new developments in the international health environment, and take appropriate measures to keep pace with development or face possibilities.

10. Enhancing and expanding ambulatory, emergency and curative medical services and combating noncommunicable diseases and chronic diseases at the national level for all segments of society to meet the needs and comprehend the nature of disease and its developments, and take measures to increase its effectiveness, improve its performance, develop it and expand its services;

11. Encouraging and supporting health research and studies, developing and motivating research staff, and benefiting from them in improving services and health care, and highlighting priority research and high scientific value in supporting decision-making and directing health interventions;

12. Drawing up and implementing comprehensive national drug policies related to medicines, medical supplies, chemical and laboratory materials, and cosmetics with medical effect;

13. Managing and planning the medical supply and supply system for locally manufactured and imported pharmaceutical products in ways that guarantee their classification, control over their import, safety of purchase, transportation, storage, distribution, handling, disposal of waste, combination in safe scientific methods, and the development of systems, guidelines and standard guides related to them;

14. Encouraging the local manufacture of medicines, medical supplies, chemical and laboratory materials, cosmetics with a medical effect, and local raw materials used in the pharmaceutical industry, and rationing imports according to the need and the laws in force, with the aim of achieving self-sufficiency;

15. Advancing the role and work of women at all levels of health and medical work in a way that meets the needs of female human cadres, as well as encouraging and expanding women’s enrollment in the professions of medicine, nursing, midwifery, and institutions and centers for training and rehabilitation of female human cadres;

16. Organizing and controlling financial and administrative work, supervising the implementation of the budget and financial resources, and ensuring maximum utilization thereof through automation systems and financial and administrative systems, according to the laws in force and at all levels;

17. Promote and organize community participation in supporting, supporting and strengthening the health sector to meet the health needs of the community;

18. Establishing and managing a comprehensive and integrated health information system, in accordance with the functions of the health system, adopting modern methods and technologies for information management and benefiting from the applications of this system in improving the quality of health and medical care service, including the flow of information from beneficiaries to the central level, according to approved performance indicators;

19. Work on developing aspects of cooperation with brotherly and friendly countries, health development partners and specialized bodies at various levels in the health sector, strengthening international health relations and technical cooperation, preparing and reviewing draft agreements for the health sector, in coordination with relevant authorities, and following up on the implementation of ratified agreements;

20. Coordinating the inputs of countries, health development partners and bodies supporting the health sector to ensure optimal use of these inputs within the framework of national health policies, directions and priorities;

21. Promote adherence to professional ethics, behaviors, responsibilities, and laws regulating health and medical work;

22. Enhancing coordination and multi-sector health interventions (governmental and non-governmental related) on the grounds that health is for all and a collective responsibility;

23. Encouraging the responsible participation of the private health sector to provide safe health services at reasonable prices, and creating mechanisms that ensure complementary public and private sector services, according to standard evidence;

24. Updating the health management system in health facilities to enhance quality in the provision of health and medical services with the aim of improving the services provided and ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, manuals, standards, protocols and standardized treatment policies, in a way that ensures the operation of all health and medical facilities and facilities;

25. Activating health insurance with the aim of obtaining affordable health and medical services for all citizens;

26. Representing the Republic of Yemen in regional and international conferences, meetings and seminars related to its activities and tasks;

27. Carry out any other tasks and competencies required by the nature of her job or pursuant to the laws, regulations, bylaws and decisions in force.

Organizational structure and terms of reference

The organizational structure of the Ministry consists of:

A.The Minister: The following typical and supportive public administrations report directly to him:

  1. the general administration of the minister's office;
  2. general administration of financial affairs;
  3. General Administration of Human Resources;
  4. General Department of Internal Audit;
  5. General Department of Legal Affairs;
  6. General Directorate of International and Technical Cooperation;
  7. general management of quality and patient safety;

B.Vice Minister:

C.The primary health care sector consists of the following general departments:

  1. the General Department of Child Health;

  2. the General Directorate of Disease Control and Surveillance;

  3. General Department of Nutrition;

  4. the General Department of Environmental Health;

The agent reports directly to the following administrative units:

  • Unit for evaluation and follow-up of health centers and units;

D.The therapeutic medicine sector consists of the following general departments:

  1. General Directorate of Medical and Auxiliary Services;

  2. General Administration of Private Medical Facilities;

  3. General Administration of Pharmacy;

  4. General Department of Ambulance and Emergency;

  5. General Administration of Natural and Complementary Medicine.

The following administrative units are subject to the supervision of the agent:

  • The National Center for Blood Transfusion and Research;
  • National Oncology Center;
  • National Center for Limbs and Rehabilitation;

E.population sector:

  1. General Department of Maternal and Newborn Health;
  2. General Directorate of Health Promotion and Health Education;
  3. General Department of Mental Health.

F.The health planning and development sector consists of the following general departments:

  1. General Directorate of Planning;

  2. General Administration for Health Human Resources Development;

  3. General Administration of Engineering Affairs;

  4. general administration of equipment and maintenance;

  5. General Administration of Information and Research.

The agent follows the following administrative units:

  • Investment and Health Economics Unit;

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