Detials of Sector

which public sectors
Provided by the Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health and Population seeks to provide and facilitate medical services for our Yemeni people

Therapecutic sector:

The role, objectives, tasks and competencies of the Sector shall be determined in:

·Develop/update therapeutic medical interventions according to medium-term orientations, and develop their annual implementation plan at all levels of the provision of treatment, emergency and ambulance services in the public and private sectors in accordance with measurable performance indicators, and within the framework of guidelines determined by the objectives of the Ministry of Health;

·Planning, organizing, developing, supervising and evaluating all works related to the provision of therapeutic and pharmaceutical medical services, ambulance and emergency services in the public and private sectors in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Preparing operational manuals, standards, mechanisms, technical protocols, regulations and quality controls to enhance treatment and emergency services in health facilities in the public and private sectors, in line with scientific development and modern and evidence-based treatment methods and following up on their implementation;

·Approving the continuous training plan, developing a plan of administrative, technical and financial needs, and following up on its implementation at the level of all employees;

·Work to provide therapeutic and emergency services according to local needs, improve therapeutic, specialized and qualitative medical services, in accordance with the effective sectoral coordination mechanism, and promote multisectoral interventions in order to achieve the objectives of therapeutic medicine;

·Proposing policies and mechanisms aimed at developing hospital resources within the limits of the laws in force, approving them by the Ministry's leadership, and following up on implementation;

·Granting licenses to private medical and pharmaceutical facilities, in accordance with the standards approved by the Ministry of Health and the laws in force, monitoring them, and providing studies and information to investors in the health sector in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Work to encourage investment and development of specialized and qualitative treatment centers, public and private, including the establishment of medical cities.

The General Directorate of Medical Services and Assistance shall have the following competencies:

·Develop normative and operational manuals, mechanisms, technical protocols, regulations and quality controls to enhance curative and emergency medical services and assistance in all their aspects and according to their classification, in line with scientific development and modern and evidence-based treatment methods and follow up on their implementation;

·Submit proposals to improve the legislation governing specialized medical centers, participate in the formulation of policies and strategies, develop plans and programs necessary to develop and organize their work in the public and private sectors, take measures to increase their effectiveness and improve their performance, propose health legislation and policies for development and present them to the leadership of the Ministry for approval;

·Participate in the development of plans, strategies and projects aimed at developing the work of hospitals, specialized medical centers and therapeutic and diagnostic units, organizing and classifying their work, and taking measures to increase their effectiveness as needed and necessary to meet the needs of all main and subsidiary medical specialties and assistance, raising the efficiency of medical specialties, nursing and assistant medical staff, workers in diagnostic and assistance services, coordinating with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry, and following up on their implementation;

·Proposing the distribution and redistribution of the necessary staff for therapeutic, nursing, ambulance, emergency, diagnostic and auxiliary services in accordance with the standard manuals and according to the nature and requirements of work in health facilities within the framework of a national plan for human resources needs according to its standard classification and in coordination with the relevant authorities;

·Monitor the performance of hospitals and specialized medical centres in the public sector to carry out the tasks entrusted to them, facilitate the provision of diagnostic and therapeutic medical services, and supervise the implementation of their implementation plans;

·Coordination with the relevant departments in the Ministry with regard to structural and engineering standards and specifications, rehabilitation and maintenance, and the provision of equipment, supplies, and medicines. etc;

·Contribute with the relevant authorities in determining and issuing prices for the services of hospitals and specialized medical centers, follow up and monitor the application of community participation and pricing for therapeutic and diagnostic medical services, and take legal measures in case of violation to ensure the provision of quality services that meet the needs of citizens;

·Proposing and following up the implementation of laws and regulations governing work, monitoring and directing the progress of work in hospitals and specialized medical centers, protecting the beneficiaries of their services, considering complaints submitted thereon, and submitting them to the Sector Undersecretary to take the necessary legal measures, in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry, as well as coordinating with the competent authorities with regard to the penalties taken;

·Coordinate with governmental and non-governmental sectors on topics and areas of common interest;

·Building an information system, providing an integrated database, implementing administrative, technical, financial and information systems and updating them periodically and available at all times in hospitals and specialized medical centers in the public and private sectors, in coordination with the relevant authorities;

·Proposing and following up the implementation of laws and regulations governing work, monitoring and directing the progress of work in specialized medical centres, protecting the beneficiaries of their services, considering complaints submitted thereon, and submitting them to the Sector Undersecretary to take the necessary legal measures, in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry, as well as coordinating with the competent authorities with regard to the penalties taken;

·Carry out field visits to see the situation on the ground and provide the necessary support and advice to improve performance and overcome obstacles;

·Supply and supply government hospitals and specialized medical centres with equipment, equipment, supplies and medicines, in coordination with the relevant authorities and within the framework of the Ministry's plan;

·Proposing relevant health cooperation projects, developing and updating existing interventions with countries and health development partners according to the priorities and plans of the Ministry, and supervising their implementation.

The General Directorate of Private Medical Facilities shall have the following competencies:

·Submit proposals to improve the legislation governing private medical facilities, determine the levels and develop standard and standard manuals, regulations and quality controls for the provision of medical and health services in them according to their classification, in line with scientific development and modern and evidence-based treatment methods;

·Follow up on compliance with the implementation of standards and regulations governing the work of private medical facilities, evaluate their performance to carry out the tasks entrusted to them according to their classification, facilitate the provision of diagnostic and therapeutic medical services to citizens, monitor and direct the progress of work therein, protect the beneficiaries of their services, consider complaints submitted thereon and submit them to the Sector Undersecretary to take the necessary legal measures, in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Studying the files for granting licenses to private medical facilities, in accordance with the approved standards and the laws in force, and submitting them to the agent for issuance;

·Encouraging investment in the private health and medical sector by providing studies and information to investors, and in coordination with the concerned departments within the Ministry;

·Contribute with the relevant authorities in determining and issuing pricing for the services of private enterprises and follow up the implementation;

·Building an information system and providing an integrated database on private medical facilities and the services provided through them, updating them periodically, available at all times and in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Supervising and directing the progress of work in private medical facilities, protecting the beneficiaries of their services, considering complaints submitted thereon, and submitting them to the Sector Undersecretary to take legal action in accordance with the procedures determined by the laws in force, and in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry, as well as coordinating with the competent authorities regarding the penalties taken against private medical facilities.

The General Directorate of Pharmacy shall have the following competencies:

·Regulating the pharmaceutical business and proposing legislation, policies, standards and manuals necessary for the improvement and development of pharmaceutical policy;

·Contribute to the elaboration, periodic review, updating and development of the national list of essential and specialized medicines, and assess the quantity and quality of the need on a macro and geographical basis, in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Contribute to the classification of pharmaceutical jobs and to the identification of pharmaceutical manpower needs according to the nature and requirements of work in health facilities;

·Setting standard levels for the processing of pharmacies according to their functions, levels and types in coordination with the concerned departments;

·Contribute with the relevant authorities in determining and issuing drug prices and following up on implementation;

·Monitoring pharmacies in the public and private sectors, monitoring storage methods and applying standards;

·Maintaining the register of private pharmacies operating at the national level and contributing to the establishment of normative conditions for the granting of licenses and monitoring and monitoring of implementation;

·Studying the files for granting licenses to private pharmaceutical establishments, in accordance with the approved standards and the laws in force, and submitting them to the agent for issuance;

·Contribute to the advancement of the pharmaceutical profession, encourage local investment, develop local manufacturing and production of medicines, encourage pharmaceutical research and benefit from local resources in the manufacture of medicines and pharmaceuticals of medical interest;

·Building an information system and providing an integrated database on private pharmaceutical establishments and updating it periodically, which is available at all times and in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Supervising and directing the workflow of private pharmaceutical establishments, protecting the beneficiaries of their services, considering complaints submitted thereon, and submitting them to the Sector Undersecretary to take legal action in accordance with the procedures specified by the laws in force, and in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry, as well as coordinating with the competent authorities regarding the penalties taken against private pharmaceutical establishments.

The General Directorate of Ambulance and Emergency shall have the following competencies:

·Propose policies, strategies, plans and programs necessary to develop the work of ambulance and emergency services, and develop preparedness, preparedness and response plans to confront disasters in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry, and present them to the Ministry's leadership for approval;

·Setting standards, operational and standard manuals, regulations and procedures governing the work of ambulance and emergency centres, setting performance indicators, measuring and evaluating them, determining the level of progress made on a regular basis, and following up on implementation;

·Forming liaison officers, proposing the formation of councils, emergency committees, ambulance and emergency teams at the governorate and district levels, developing their work and taking measures to increase their effectiveness and improve their performance, identifying central operating rooms in health offices, and following up on their work, in coordination with the local authority;

·Establishing and rehabilitating road ambulance and emergency centres, setting priorities and providing their requirements, in coordination with relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies of common interest, taking measures to increase their effectiveness and improve their performance, proposing development and expansion projects, and monitoring the work of these centres;

·Develop supply plans for ambulance and emergency centres with equipment, equipment, supplies and medicines in coordination with the relevant authorities and within the framework of the Ministry's plan;

·Develop the necessary plans to raise the efficiency of medical specialties and various assistance for emergency services, identify priorities and raise the standard levels specified in quantity and quality of labor necessary for the management and operation of ambulance and emergency centers, and develop training and rehabilitation plans and programs to improve skills and performance in coordination with the concerned authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Proposing cooperation projects in ambulance and emergency services with countries, health development partners and organizations of various levels, following up and supervising their implementation.

The General Department of Natural and Complementary Medicine, which shall have the following competencies:

·Building the knowledge base for the effective management of natural and complementary medicines and herbal medicine through the development of appropriate national policies and strategies;

·Establishing laws, legislations, systems, regulations and standards governing natural, complementary and herbal medicine, and following up on implementation;

·Produce guidelines on standard treatment for complementary medicine as well as a list of essential herbal medicines, monitor implementation, and support a code of conduct that will promote ethical practice;

·Promote the quality, safety, appropriate use, effectiveness and impact assurance of complementary medicine through the adoption of national policies and legislation that promote the safe and effective use of complementary medicine products and herbal medicine products and regulate products, practices and practitioners;

·Promote universal health coverage by integrating complementary medicine services, in their context into the health system, as appropriate, in the delivery of health services, and in health and autoimmune promotion;

·Improve the safe and qualified practice of natural and complementary medicine through complementary medicine education at the university level, the development of high-quality complementary medicine education programs, and the inclusion of complementary medicine in the curriculum of pharmacy and medical students;

·To benefit from the national wealth enjoyed by Yemen in promoting natural and complementary medicine through the establishment and rehabilitation of national research centers or institutes in the field of natural and complementary medicine, including those related to herbal medicine,

·Develop and promote a national research programme that adopts and includes different types of research and studies according to priorities, development, innovation and knowledge dissemination in the field, create resources for research and studies, develop appropriate research methodologies and encourage investment;

·Supervise therapeutic, complementary and herbal medicine practices, surveillance for side effects, side effects or interactions with conventional therapies and risks associated with the practice and its products with the aim of protecting the consumer and the beneficiary;

·Encourage health care and medical workers to learn more about complementary medicine;

·Work to strengthen partnership and exchange of experiences with friendly countries and cooperation in the context of dealing and cooperation in complementary medicine, herbal medicine and research programs;

·Identify mechanisms for the exchange of information and data related to complementary medicine;

·Building an information system and providing an integrated database on practitioners and the sites provided for the service and the services provided through it, updating it periodically and available at all times and in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Build the capacity of those in charge of the administration of natural and complementary therapeutics and herbal medicine, and facilitate the exchange of information;

Promote the development of health facilities suitable for complementary medicine services through the availability of key elements of the health system in the locations required by the integration process.


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