Detials of Sector

which public sectors
Provided by the Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health and Population seeks to provide and facilitate medical services for our Yemeni people

Planning and development sector:

The role, objectives, tasks and competencies of the Sector shall be determined in:

·Proposing and formulating policies, strategic directions and health plans and developing health development objectives within the framework of the general policies and directions of the State for the implementation and promotion of the health sector reform program and with the participation of all sectors and public administrations in the Ministry and health offices in the governorates, as well as health development partners and donor countries, and approving them by the Minister;

·Provide advice and technical support on policies, planning, manuals, operational standards, performance measurement indicators and tools, monitoring and evaluation;

·Contribute to the formulation of health and medical education policies and the development of terms of reference for qualification and enrollment in medical education and health sciences in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Technical Education, in the public and private sectors;

·Active membership in the Supreme Council of Universities, to coordinate the academic tasks of all educational issues related to the study of medicine and health sciences, whether in the public or private sector, and to include all levels of education, including postgraduate studies;

·Study the difficulties and problems of training and rehabilitation that hinder the functioning of educational institutions related to the medical and health aspects, work to overcome them and submit the necessary proposals to the leadership of the Ministry;

·Participate in the development of mechanisms regulating the application and practical training in the field of medical and health education and training in public, university and educational bodies and hospitals and related health facilities, in order to ensure the performance of their academic and professional functions in accordance with the approved standards and regulations;

·Preparation and implementation of scientific cooperation agreements between Yemen and brotherly and friendly countries related to the medical and health aspects;

·Develop plans to achieve the standard distribution of students on the various specializations, in order to meet the vital needs of the health sector, in coordination with the Human Resources Department and the relevant authorities.

·Endorse and support the capacity-building plan in leadership, management, planning, health information, monitoring, evaluation and accountability, and follow up on its implementation;

·Study and discuss the plans submitted by the Ministry's sectors, coordinate them into a general plan and a unified budget at the level of the Ministry's General Office, review the plans submitted by the governorates and make the necessary recommendations;

·Follow up all sectors of the Ministry in the implementation of the approved annual activities, according to a timetable, based on integrated planning, assess the extent of compliance with their timelines, and submit a monthly report thereon to the Minister;

·Contribute with the Ministry's sectors to the regular evaluation of its management and programs in the area related to planning and information systems, to improve the performance of health services, and to monitor performance indicators efficiently and equitably;

·Managing the Executive Unit of the National Vision and coordinating and following up the implementation of the National Vision Plan, and representing the Ministry in this regard;

·Encourage investment in the public and private health sectors within the framework of public health policies and provide studies and information to those wishing to invest and in coordination with the concerned departments;

·Issuing the annual report of the Ministry of Health, in coordination with the rest of the Ministry's sectors and offices in the governorates.


The General Directorate of Planning shall have the following competencies:

·Developing and updating health policies, proposing health priorities and strategies, and setting general frameworks for their implementation at all levels in accordance with the Ministry's vision and within the framework of the State's general policies and strategies;

·Provide proposals and technical support for health sector reform and promotion programmes and projects;

·Participate in the preparation of manuals and operational procedures for the health directorate system according to the national model;

·Study, review and discuss the plans submitted by the sectors and agencies of the Ministry, ensure their compatibility with the Ministry's general policies and national standard manuals, and coordinate them in a general plan at the level of the Ministry and its offices;

·Participate in the preparation of executive programs and projects for the Ministry's annual plan and plan and direct resources from various sources within the framework of the Ministry's general policy;

·Participate in the preparation and review of contracts for the implementation of centrally implemented health projects, provide technical support to the governorates, provide them with national manuals, and supervise and follow up on the implementation work;

·Prepare the executive programs of the annual plan of the Ministry's General Office;

·Evaluate current and proposed strategies in the field of health development, follow up on the evaluation of the level of performance, provide concepts for development and expansion according to the reading of the situation;

·Provide an executive vision to activate the roles of health offices in governorates and directorates in improving access to the targeted, through effective planning within the framework of the health directorate, and the development of mechanisms for community health interventions.


The General Directorate of Human Resources Development for Health shall have the following competencies:

·Prepare a national strategy and executive plan for the development of human resources for the various categories of health staff in coordination with all sectors, institutions and relevant authorities and follow up on its implementation;

·Strengthening the Ministry's role in setting policies and participating in setting the terms of reference for qualification and enrollment in public and private medical and health education, monitoring performance and compliance, in accordance with transparency and accountability standards, and setting penalties standards in case of non-compliance in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, and in coordination with the relevant sectors;

·Review and update admission policies related to medical and health education and training, in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research;

·Identify and formulate educational, training and rehabilitation policies that enhance knowledge, competence and performance and promote commitment to professional ethics and ethics;

·Granting licenses to public and private health educational institutions, in accordance with their applied competence, the availability of training and rehabilitation sites, and in coordination with the relevant authorities and following up on implementation;

·Work with the relevant authorities to approve educational and training programs in the training curricula in public and private health institutes, ensure their quality, monitor their outputs, and participate in setting standards for penalties in case of non-compliance with the laws and regulations in force;

·Study the difficulties and problems encountered in the functioning of educational institutions related to health training in public and private health institutes, and participate in overcoming and resolving them within the framework of the legislation in force, and in coordination with the relevant ministries;

·Participate in the development of monitoring tools to monitor the educational and training process in the health field in public and private health institutes, in accordance with performance indicators and follow-up of implementation;

·Develop and implement the monitoring and evaluation process for public and private health education and report its results to the Ministry's leadership;

·Academic supervision of public and private health institutes, health education and continuing professional development program, and follow-up of the implementation of educational and training programs and health training centers;

·Identify medical and health education needs, priorities, critical aspects of quality care, and indicators used to monitor and provide standard health care to stakeholders and ensure its security;

·Benefiting from the health information system to know the size and quality of the workforce and its distribution to health jobs in various health fields and specialties within the standard distribution indicators, and conducting studies and research to determine the needs of the health workforce for various specialties, taking into account the requirements of expansion and upgrading of the health sector, and in coordination with the relevant authorities;

·Develop performance indicators for the progress of the educational and training process in the medical and health field at all stages, based on approved theoretical and practical tools;

·Submit final recommendations for the accreditation of the official certificate of graduates, in accordance with specific professional standards, and monitor compliance with them;

·Develop executive programs for human resources plans, calculate their cost, propose sources of funding and methods of implementation, including private scholarships;

·Coordinate with other sectors for planning purposes to keep pace with new technologies or new professions, knowledge and experience in the health field;

·Participate in the definition and formulation of educational, training and rehabilitation policies that enhance knowledge, efficiency and performance, promote commitment to professional behaviors and ethics, and follow up implementation.

·Participate in the preparation of scientific cooperation agreements between Yemen and brotherly and friendly countries, related to the medical and health aspects.

·Building a management information system to keep pace with the needs and developments of work and ensure the availability of an integrated database for human resources development at all levels and update it periodically, in coordination with the relevant authorities.


The General Department of Engineering Affairs shall have the following competencies:

·Preparing standard construction patterns for public and private health facilities, including occupational safety, coordinating with the relevant authorities, disseminating these patterns and supervising their implementation;

·Preparing engineering and technical studies for new sanitary projects and designs implemented centrally, providing support to governorates and districts, providing them with national guides regarding projects implemented through the local authority, and supervising and following up on implementation work;

·Develop maintenance plans for all health facilities and their contents, and develop engineering management systems at all levels of the health system;

·Proposing, training and qualifying workers in the field of engineering and maintenance of sanitary buildings to accomplish the basic tasks entrusted to them;

·Study the alternatives available in construction, in accordance with the conditions of each region, and rehabilitate health offices in the governorates to meet their needs;

·Preparing general conditions, technical specifications and bills of quantities for the required work items, preparing tender documents, monitoring their implementation, counting the quantities of completed works, and reviewing the extracts submitted by contractors for the implementation stages;

·Technical participation in the call for tenders for the purchase and supply of safer work equipment, materials and supplies, in relation to the construction and engineering aspects related to health facilities;

·Providing consulting services in the engineering aspect for those wishing to consult in the health field.


The General Department of Medical Equipment and Maintenance shall have the following competencies:

·Setting the general conditions and technical and standard specifications for medical equipment and equipment for health facilities according to their functions, levels and types, and classifying them in coordination with the concerned departments,

·Technical participation in the development of tenders and terms of reference for procurement and supply processes, as well as participation in official examination committees;

·Coordinate with the relevant public administrations in determining the need for medical equipment and equipment, develop distribution plans, train employees on safe practices in handling, testing, operating and maintaining equipment, in accordance with occupational health and safety regulations, and supervise and follow up implementation;

·Proposing, training and qualifying engineers in the field of medical engineering and maintenance of medical equipment and equipment;

·Monitor and supervise all equipment in health facilities and ensure that they comply with standards;

·Periodic maintenance of medical equipment at all levels by a team that has been qualified and trained at all levels from the center to the health facility.


The General Directorate of Information and Research shall have the following competencies:

·Establishing and modernizing the physical, human, legislative and technical infrastructure for the management of health information, statistics, medical and health studies and research, preparing policies and strategies and setting priorities in these areas;

·Manage a comprehensive and integrated national health information system, provide technical advice in the field of health information systems, promote the collection and flow of health and medical data, and prepare a national public database and information for the public and private sectors at all levels, in order to achieve sectoral objectives and coordinate with the concerned authorities;

·Managing the Ministry's website, updating it in a sustainable manner, providing it with data of national importance, information reliability, e-mail security, in coordination with cybersecurity, and updating operating systems;

·Develop plans in the field of information, studies and research, develop manuals and regulations governing its application, develop and update programmatic communication tools, processing, transfer of information, and exchange of knowledge electronically inside and outside the Ministry;

·Develop plans in the field of studies and research, prepare manuals and regulations, and exchange knowledge electronically;

·Review and analyse data and information, provide decision-makers, sectors of the Ministry and its subordinate units with data, information, indicators and analytical reports, and submit proposals to improve management and strengthen and reform the health sector;

·Review proposals for studies and scientific research, plan and implement relevant work programs and protocols, and supervise the development of studies and research that support the development of health priorities and policies;

·Encouraging studies and research, supporting the application of modern methods and designs for their implementation to meet the needs, benefiting from national expertise and talents, and optimizing the investment of local human and material resources in accordance with the objectives and building blocks of the health sector and the general orientation of the State to encourage research, and in coordination with the relevant authorities;

·Analyse studies and research, provide decision-makers, sectors and units of the Ministry with their outputs, recommendations and analytical reports, and submit proposals and recommendations to improve management and promote the health sector;

·Coordination, supervision and guidance of studies and research in the activities of health programs and projects in accordance with criteria for monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators and participation in the implementation of health surveys with specific purposes;

·Preparing, managing and developing the health map and issuing the annual statistical report in coordination with the relevant authorities;

·Participate in supporting health care facilities informationally, including periodic updating of their databases, health and epidemiological map, patient care protocols, quality requirements in keeping beneficiary records, ensuring the quality of health care, clinical information systems, evaluating the performance of facilities, documenting their financial systems, and in coordination with the Ministry's sectors;

·Assist information units in managing the information system at the level of governorates, directorates, medical and health facilities, identifying the material and training needs of their employees and developing their capacities and skills;

·Organizing capacity-building programmes in the field of information, studies and scientific research for health departments and programmes at the central and peripheral levels;

·Facilitate communication with universities and centers of studies, research and information nationally, regionally and internationally, and coordinate the exchange of studies, research and information with the Ministry's sectors;

·Supervise the participation in scientific periodicals, in coordination with the General Directorate of Human Resources Development, and ensure access to them by the Ministry's sectors;

·Coordinate with academic and educational bodies, research centers, and institutes to attract students' research in the Ministry's fields of work, in a way that serves the pillars and functions of the health system;

·Support academic literature, presentations and reports on the results of scientific research in the health sector, in coordination with relevant universities, institutes and research centers, to update data and promote evidence-based interventions;

·Activating the paper and electronic library of the Ministry and its branches in the governorates, in a way that serves the promotion and exchange of knowledge.

Establish health information sub-systems in health and medical facilities, which include disease surveillance data and reporting of outbreaks, information related to births, deaths and causes of death, data collection based on patient records, service, reports of health workers in health facilities and the community, and monitoring and evaluation of health programs resource management (including budget, personnel and logistics)


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