Detials of Sector

which public sectors
Provided by the Ministry of Public Health

The Ministry of Public Health and Population seeks to provide and facilitate medical services for our Yemeni people

Population sector:

The role, objectives, tasks and competencies of the Sector shall be determined in:

·Contribute to the design, proposal and development of population health policies and strategies and social determinants of health related to health promotion and health protection of the population, within the life cycle according to demographic and geographical targeting that responds to the disease map, and for all age stages of human life, and in line with the vision of the Ministry and within the framework of the general policies and strategies of the state, including raising health awareness, behavioral nutrition and enhancing immunity, and developing executive plans for them at the short and medium term levels, according to measurable performance indicators, and in coordination Partnership with the concerned sectors inside and outside the Ministry;

·Supervise the preparation of operational manuals, standards, mechanisms, technical protocols, regulations and quality controls to enhance the provision of maternal and newborn health services, health promotion services, health awareness, health education and mental health services with quality, in a manner that ensures that services are consistent with our Yemeni culture and meet the needs, including reducing caesarean sections, and that the latest solutions are within the controls approved by the Ministry of Health, in line with the development and upgrading of the required package of services, and follow-up and supervision of their implementation;

·Planning, organizing, developing, supervising, following up and evaluating all actions related to the provision of maternal and newborn health services and the promotion of public and mental health in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Propose projects and programmes aimed at improving and modernizing services in the field of maternal and newborn health, mental health and health promotion, constituting all urban and rural areas;

·Work on establishing and rehabilitating maternity and childhood hospitals at the governorate level and a reference hospital at the national level, and rehabilitating basic and comprehensive obstetric and neonatal emergency departments, including nursery and neonatal intensive care departments, in all rural and pivotal hospitals, and seeking to provide maternity services in all health centers and units, setting priorities and providing their requirements, and in coordination with the relevant governmental and non-governmental agencies and common interest, and taking measures to increase their effectiveness, improve their performance, and propose projects. Development and expansion, and control of its work;

·Work to establish and rehabilitate mental health clinics, units, departments and hospitals at the level of governorates and directorates and in health centers in rural areas, and endeavour to provide a package of mental health services through qualified cadres, identify priorities and provide their requirements, in coordination with the relevant governmental and non-governmental bodies and common interest, and take measures to increase their effectiveness, improve their performance, propose development and expansion projects, and monitor their work;

·Effective sectoral coordination and promotion of multisectoral interventions related to the promotion of public health and mental health, in order to achieve the objectives of basic and comprehensive health care for the population in general and for mothers and newborns in particular, and to ensure the complementarity and optimal utilization of these interventions;

·Supervise the implementation of population studies and research aimed at identifying the factors affecting the health of the population from various aspects, including health and nutritional behaviors, health culture, social determinants of health and pathogens, with a focus on aspects related to reproduction, infertility, causes of miscarriages, fetal malformations, genetic and metabolic diseases;

·Supervise the planning and implementation of an integrated health voucher program, within the nucleus of social health insurance, for the provision of services at the community level, in accordance with the criteria of justice, accessibility, acceptability and use;

·Work to meet the most urgent human health needs related to maternal and newborn health and mental health in particular and promote health and health awareness in general.

The General Directorate of Maternal and Newborn Health shall have the following competencies:

·Develop operational plans and programmes to increase coverage rates and benefit from the maternal and newborn health services package, develop and upgrade them;

·Setting standards, protocols, systems, controls and mechanisms to enhance the provision of basic and comprehensive maternal and newborn health services in health facilities, hospitals and community-based services through midwives in a manner that implements the National Strategy for Maternal and Child Health and the National Midwifery Strategy, and in a manner that ensures that services are consistent with our Yemeni culture and meet the needs, including reducing caesarean sections, and that the latest solutions are within the controls approved by the Ministry of Health, and following up on implementation, including the public and private sectors;

·Formulate and propose policies for the development of human resources and the development of capacity-building in the field of maternal and newborn health in order to meet the needs and ensure access to services and access to quality by mothers and newborns at the urban, rural and rural levels, in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry, and to follow up and supervise implementation;

·Strengthening health services for rural development through midwifery programmes for each village and projects to ensure access to maternal and newborn services for pregnant and neonatal care and natural childbirth and to provide a package of primary health care services in rural areas by adequately qualified midwives in order to promote health development, reduce morbidity and mortality and raise health and nutritional awareness among all age groups in society;

·Contribute to the development of training and qualification programs for pre- and in-service training and training of trainers at the national level to develop knowledge and skills in the field of maternal and newborn health in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Identify and update the national list and needs for basic and comprehensive obstetric and neonatal emergency medicines, equipment and supplies for maternal and newborn health, work to secure, provide and distribute them, and strengthen the supply chain through the logistics system;

·Coordinate with sectors, departments, programmes, health offices, public and private medical facilities and health development partners of common interest to propose, develop, update and implement programs, projects and standards that improve the maternal and newborn health services package;

·Technical supporting, follow-up, monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of the delivery of the package of basic and comprehensive maternal and neonatal health services and obstetric and neonatal emergencies to ensure the quality of the delivery of integrated and comprehensive health services at the level of public and private health and medical facilities and facilities and midwives in the communities;

·Planning, implementation and follow-up of the integrated health voucher program, within the nucleus of social health insurance, to provide services at the community level and with a focus on mothers and newborns, in accordance with the criteria of justice, accessibility, acceptability and employment;

·Monitoring the progress of work in public and private health facilities, medical facilities and midwifery services in the community and at the national level and directing them through qualified and experienced technical cadres in a manner that enhances quality, raises confidence and contributes to meeting the needs of mothers, newborns and society in general;

·Building an information system and providing an integrated database on health and medical interventions in the public and private sectors and updating it periodically and available at all times and in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Strengthen monitoring and response to maternal and neonatal mortality, obstetric complications (including obstetric fistulas), fetal malformations and miscarriages, and birth registration, in coordination with relevant authorities, in order to enhance health protection and required interventions;

·Participate in studies, research and field surveys in the field of maternal and newborn health.

The General Directorate of Health Promotion and Health Education shall have the following competencies:

·Proposing health policies related to population health, information and health education, promoting awareness of sound health and nutritional practices and raising immunity, and presenting them to the Ministry's leadership for approval;

·Develop plans, programmes and projects to promote health and nutrition, raise awareness and good health culture, proper diet, exercise and raise immunity, in coordination with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry;

·Contribute to raising the capacities of workers in health facilities and community-based health services, as well as those provided through various public means of communication, in the aspects of health promotion and health education, to include all primary, secondary and tertiary health care services for the entire population, and to implement a continuing education program for them, and to supervise and follow up implementation;

·Supervise the implementation of health awareness and education activities provided by health workers in health facilities at various levels;

·Strengthen partnership and cooperation with relevant sectors inside and outside the Ministry and the local community in managing health promotion activities and through programs to support awareness initiatives, including community initiatives;

·Participate in the preparation of national strategies and five-year and annual health plans of the Ministry of Health, and the development of health policies and plans to assess health needs in the field of health care based on the life cycle, in line with development trends to promote health;

·Coordinate with international and local organizations, through the competent sector of the Ministry, to activate local health promotion activities, and regional and international participation in them;

·Conceptualize the adoption and promotion of preventive health promotion policies and measures, including those related to laws and legislation related to health promotion, including tobacco control, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, genetic and metabolic diseases;

·Contribute to the proposal and implementation of health-promoting activities related to maternal and newborn health, children's health, school health, university health, environmental health, oral and dental health, road safety, accident and injury prevention, occupational health, elderly health and mental health, in coordination with the concerned departments and programs inside and outside the Ministry, and supervise their implementation;

·Develop perceptions, contribute and coordinate with the relevant authorities inside and outside the Ministry to carry out population studies and research aimed at identifying the factors affecting the health of the population from various aspects, including health and nutritional behaviors, health culture, social determinants of health and pathogens, with a focus on aspects related to reproduction, infertility, causes of miscarriages, fetal abnormalities, genetic and metabolic diseases;

·Coordinate with international organizations and bodies supporting health promotion, information and health education activities in order to ensure the proper investment of resources and capabilities allocated for this purpose and in accordance with the directions and priorities of the Ministry;

·Participate in local, regional and international seminars and conferences and benefit from their outputs in order to strengthen the role of the administration and the National Center for Health Education and Information and raise the level of health education for the general population;

·Preparing, developing and producing health awareness, information and education materials, messages, messages and materials (audio-visual programmes, publications, pamphlets, booklets, posters, social media, etc.), in coordination with the relevant sectors, departments and programmes, and through appropriate communication channels;

·Assume the responsibilities of health promotion and awareness, health information and education, and behavior change in accordance with the knowledge contents and health messages to intervene in the field of health and nutrition, and in line with our faith identity and Yemeni culture;

·Raising health awareness and awareness in the field of knowledge of the disease, its causes, methods of transmission, factors that contribute to its spread, and methods of prevention and control, including raising citizens' awareness of the importance of obtaining available health services and how to make optimal use of them;

·Supervise the awareness of healthy behavior through mosques, official facilities, schools, play areas, sports clubs, etc.;

·Develop awareness-raising programmes in the prevention of accidents, injuries and disabilities and educate on ways and means of overcoming disability;

·Establish a hotline (e-health) for priority health issues, and follow up on the results of the work of those in charge of it, in coordination with the concerned departments in the Ministry;

·Activating the role of "telehealth" and "e-health" in enhancing the provision of health services in coordination with the relevant authorities, in a way that contributes to assisting health workers in the health sector, especially in remote and remote areas that lack specialized services, and providing them with remote advice, or meeting the needs of the population to respond to their inquiries in aspects related to their health and nutrition;

·Conduct research, studies and evaluate indicators in the field of health promotion and health education in coordination with the concerned authorities, and update interventions according to their results;

·Raise the capacity of departments, programmes and centres to set the goal of comprehensive awareness of all primary, secondary and tertiary health care interventions, and rehabilitation in this area;

·Preparation and implementation of training and qualification programmes in health promotion, information and health education at the national level and development of the training plan for the communication programme at risk, including media relations in emergencies, epidemics and outbreaks;

·Inform public opinion about priority health issues and follow up on relevant media and cultural programmes;

·Informing the public opinion about the activities and services of the Ministry through various media in order to achieve better access to the health services provided and benefit from them.




The General Department of Mental Health shall have the following competencies:

·Proposing and formulating national preventive, curative and rehabilitative policies, strategies, regulations, standards, work controls, national preventive, curative and rehabilitative protocols in the field of mental health promotion and in partnership with the relevant authorities, and following up and reviewing them periodically, with the aim of developing the services provided in health facilities, schools and the community;

·Participate in the preparation of national health strategies and develop appropriate plans, programs, projects and mechanisms for their implementation in coordination with the relevant authorities, and follow up on implementation;

·Identify mental health needs for technical and specialized personnel, assistance, equipment, and a list of medicines and supplies related to mental illness and disorders;

·Facilitate access to mental health, psychological support, support and necessary services for target groups,

·Participate in scientific activities such as conferences, research, studies and meetings related to mental health, supervise and follow them up to develop and improve mental services;

·Monitoring and follow-up of mental health phenomena and problems, and conducting research and studies on the development of the psychological situation;

·Supervise the administrative and technical work related to the provision of preventive, curative and rehabilitative medical and health services to patients with mental illnesses and disorders and follow up on their delivery;

·Proposing and adopting awareness and educational programs regarding mental illness and disorders and ways to prevent them with the aim of enhancing community awareness of the concepts of mental health and its prevention in line with the need;

·Develop training and rehabilitation plans for doctors and medical staff assisting in the psychological aspect and social support in coordination with the relevant authorities, supervise implementation, and work to localize expertise in this field,

·Coordination and cooperation with the relevant health, educational and research authorities in the field of mental health and social support, and benefiting from local and foreign experiences in the field of mental health promotion in line with our faith and national identity;

·Supporting voluntary and community activities and initiatives in the field of mental health promotion,

·Participation in institutional committees in relation to the aspect of criminal/forensic psychiatry;

·Participate in the development of curricula and training and rehabilitation programs for doctors, nurses and technicians, supervise treatment protocols, and follow up and evaluate implementation;

·Participate in and supervise the training and rehabilitation of school staff, including social and psychological workers, and assist them in the early detection of cases suffering from psychological problems and treat them in place as much as possible;

·Monitoring and developing quality systems and standards related to mental health;

·Prepare regular technical reports on its activities and statistics related to psychiatric patients, develop work methods using modern technologies, and document mental health interventions by appropriate and various means.

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